Royal Announcement, Declaration and Decree: The current value of a little over 3.6 Billion EUR / 304 TBC Crypto-currency as at 14 August, 2022, being from the future date timeline of the now time, is an underwritten pledge to the GAIN 2U Energy Exchange System to support the internal credit exchange infrastructure. This amount is always increasing as the TBC membership grows and the capped coin value of 304 TBC is 304 Billion EUR. Gavin :Marsich: is the underwriter of the account shown below and is the Trust Settlor for the initiating TRUST value.
A condition of this value is to provide a start-up grant balance for up-to-date (fam) financially active member(s)/subscribers account(s) of 10,000CR to initiate energy exchange and create tangible exchange supported by products and services of WE the People. This grant must be repaid back to Gavin-John for the House of :Marsich: of :Marsich-Crown-Kingdom: TRUST, from the affiliate sponsorship program within one (1) full financial year, as not to hypothecate the credit value of the affiliate infrastructure. Failure to repay the full amount in the required time period will result in an additional 10% Tithe being added to any outstanding balance that is remaining. If all subscribers initiate the barter exchange with products and services and introduce their support networks of 10 New Subscribers in the first month of joining and 1 New Subscriber each month thereafter and use the grant to set up listing an Unincorporated Foundation Structure in the Business Directory Services back office members login area, as a COOPerative Mahitahi Structure in a Global Aroha Alliance, the sooner WE the People will see positive change in this chaotic world. Gavin :Marsich: invites people to affiliate with the GAIN 2U Energy Exchange System to help reconnect, correct and FREE Hue-manity from enslavement and return back to divine source. Gavin :Marsich: encourages everyone to exchange their unused items laying around the home and to exchange their values for the GAIN 2U private medium of exchange to establish your own plan of abundant wealth and asset accumulation. By using the platforms of both GAIN 2U MATRIX and GAIN 2U NETWORK, ALL Subscribers can receive unlimited credit residuals and other rewards when using the plaforms in the manner in which they were designed. JOIN Today, you won't be disappointed.
There are two website advertising and affiliate membership support platforms, each having a different internal infrastructure and both platforms having their own initial setup pledge. However both platforms work side by side to build a buyer's network of listing and sales agents. The system is designed to create crowd-share abundance to zer0-balance the debt ledger of fiat currency (fictitious Money) and FREE Hue-manity from enslavement. Below are the website links to peruse information. Please watch the video's, read the FAQ's and other information in the bottom footer of their home pages.
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